Bitcoin wallet addresses reach new all-time high as the total amount of #Bitcoin addresses (that contains some BTC) reach a total of 28.39 million.
In Spite of Critique: Bakkt Releases Bitcoin Cash Settled Futures
. In spite of the community’s critique, Bakkt seems to be determined to proceed with its agenda. And it has released two new products, including Bitcoin (USD) Cash Settled Futures.
In a new tweet, Bakkt has disclosed that it has launched two brand new products. One of them is called Bakkt Bitcoin Monthly Options and it is the first CFTC regulated option on futures contract for bitcoin. And the other one — Bakkt Bitcoin Cash Settled Futures. The contract is available on ICE Futures Singapore.
#EOS at 50% Discount on Crypto.com Exchange. Matic Crashes 70% Overnight Following Panic Selling According to CZ. Transparency and Your Vote, That’s What #Vechain Wants
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