Recording of the Bosch IoT Web Days on September 24/25, 2019.
An analyst’s benchmark of the Bosch IoT Suite
MachNation, a provider of high-quality research on IoT platforms and middleware, has conducted a hands-on benchmarking of the Bosch IoT Suite. In this webcast, Steve Hilton (MachNation) explains the method they used and shows for which applications the Bosch IoT Suite is particularly suitable. Kevin Jones (Bosch Software Innovations) follows up with the customer perspective.
Please excuse the sound quality of the video.
#IoT #BusinessDevelopment #ConnectedThings
Further information:
IoT Starter Package: https://www.bosch-si.com/services/overview/iot-business-consulting/iot-starter-package.html
Bosch ConnectedWorld Conference: https://bosch-connected-world.com/attend/tickets-prices/
IoT Academy: https://www.bosch-si.com/services/overview/iot-academy/iot-academy.html?ReturnUrl=%2FIoTAcademy%2FCatalog.aspx
Bosch Connected World Blog: http://blog.bosch-si.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/1667788
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boschsi
Website: https://www.bosch-si.com
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