Bought $10,000 Dollars Worth Of DogeCoin

Bought $10,000 Dollars Worth Of DogeCoin

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DogeCoin is nothing more than a trend or a hype based on the peoples’ will to inflate the price. It is a coin that actually has no tangible value to it that I am aware of. DogeCoin has recently been hyped up by celebrities and business people including Elon Musk, Snoop Dog, and others.

How can I invest $10,000 US Dollars into a company that financially is as large in its billion dollar market cap as some of the other public companies including Aston Martin, Mazda, and other notable brands. Again, dogecoin is baseless and without any actual product or invention. Its crazy to think that its worth something right? Elon Musk has been pushing it hard and it has climbed to an all time high of 8 cents per share.

The founders of DogeCoin could not believe it and others are trying to hype it up to be something more than it actually is. So why did I decide to put $10k into DogeCoin? Will I buy even more DogeCoin?

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#boughtdogecoin #dogecoininvesting #dogecoin

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