This week, we are heading back to Ravnica Allegiance Standard for a deck I’ve been wanting to play ever since Lumbering Battlement was spoiled: Orzhov Blink! The primary plan of the deck—which is overloaded with powerful enters-the-battlefield creatures—is to grind out value in the early game with our random creatures and then eventually exile them all to Lumbering Battlement, giving us a huge vigilant threat. This puts our opponent in a tough position: either they die to our massive Lumbering Battlement or they are forced to kill our Lumbering Battlement, which gives us back all of our creatures, allowing us to reuse all of their enters-the-battlefield triggers and hopefully generating enough value that we take home the victory. Can the power of Lumbering Battlement make Orzhov into a real contender in Standard? Let’s get to the videos and find out!
◼ This episode of Budget Magic is brought to you by CardKingdom. Support the show by using http://www.cardkingdom.com/budgetmagic for your next Magic purchase!
► Read more about this deck (full article): https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-88-5-tix-orzhov-blink-standard-magic-arena
► View this deck with the latest prices: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/1652080#paper
◼ Purchase this deck (paper): http://mtg.fish/k6Kwo
◼ Purchase this deck (Magic Online): http://mtg.fish/xSlDk
Match 1: 6:44
Match 2: 14:40
Match 3: 27:34
Match 4: 42:19
Match 5: 52:24
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