BytecoinGuru's response to "Bytecoin is SCAM"

BytecoinGuru's response to "Bytecoin is SCAM"

Welcome Dear Bytecoin Enthusiast!
If you have been part of the Bytecoin community you have most likely AT LEAST once come across someone’s claim that The Bytecoin Project is “a SCAM”

Here is the article link:

A question, originally posted on Reddit, “How do you respond to someone saying “Bytecoin is SCAM”
is answered in this video.
This is BytecoinGuru’s view and personal opinion regarding that topic.
It is VERY important that EVERYONE uses their own process of thinking and comes to their own conclusion regarding ANY topic at hand.
I hope this sheds some light from a different angle and incentivises others to do their own research and contribute to the community with what they find.

Comment, share and obtain as much knowledge as possible, Dear Bytecoin Enthusiast!

Catch ya on the next one!

Bytecoin.Guru is still under maintenance, and is close to being finished. Stay tuned!

To get started with Crypto and buy your first Bitcoin:

To trade your Bitcoin for other popular cryptocurrencies, one of the exchanges you can visit is Binance:

This is where you will be able to see and read about
everything Bytecoin related.
Resources, Technical Analysis, News & Updates and even
a Community Forum!

Bytecoin (BCN) is extremely undervalued and now is the time
to get involved with this awesome project!

If you would like to support and what it stands for
Here are a couple of ways you can say “Thanks”:

BCN Wallet:

BTC Wallet: 3Jp8sSJXus5iDpGioZw8UQ6rEUfX8eJJno

ETH Wallet: 0x87ab49fe00551D6F63264a96b44be0f6D71dd6aF

Below are links that one can find useful:

Bytecoin Guru’s BCN Intro

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