Category: IOTA
25-07-2018 14:05 Обсудим уязвимости интерес для нарушителей и средства защиты для IoT устройств А также big data от IoT устройств, как защищены каналы связи и что с этим могут …
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Have you always wanted to build an IoT device and connect it to the Cloud? Feeling intimidated by the number of moving parts involved in making that happen? Come …
How is digital transformation affecting the energy industry? Hervé Coureil, the chief digital officer at Schneider Electric, tells CXOTalk how the global company makes energy safe, efficient and sustainable …
Riprendiamo la ricognizione del segnale operativo in quadro giornaliero su Bitcoin (btc), Ethereum (Eth), Ripple (xrp) e Iota (Iot), con uno sguardo anche al quadro intraday a 4 ore. …
IOTA, the first open-source distributed ledger that is being built to power the future of the Internet of Things. The technology empowers Smart Manufacturing with feeless microtransactions and data …
Grab a cup of coffee! Once a week, every Sunday, I talk to myself. -The Sunday Banter- Smattering, my opinion, what did happen over the week? I appreciate your …
Holt euch erstmal einen Kaffee. Einmal die Woche, gibt's von mir den Sonntagsplausch. Halbwissen, meine Meinung, was ist überhaupt passiert? Gibt mir bitte Rückmeldung, wenn euch was nicht passt! …
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things …
In today`s video we`re covering some recent news and updates from the projects we mentioned on the channel before: XMAX, IOT CHAIN and also TTC.ECO , these projects have …