CoinBase Will NOT Add Ripple XRP Because of this Reason

CoinBase Will NOT Add Ripple XRP Because of this Reason

When exactly is Ripple XRP coming to the CoinBase platform? Well there is one particular major hindrance that is stopping XRP on Coinbase.

In today’s video we will be looking at what the major problem(s) are regarding Ripple and Coinbase and why the match hasn’t been made yet.

Another important thing you should know is that a lot of other YouTubers keep giving random time frames on when Ripple XRP is coming to CoinBase some as far as telling that Ripple is coming to Coinbase next month. So a lot of those videos will be debunked today.

Coinbase asset requirements (official):

White Paper (one):

White Paper (two):

Background music: licensed under creative commons.

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