Sorry for the delay. I have been trying to upload this video for over 2 weeks!! However the information is still fresh and needed right now.. In this update, Sharon gives us the Astrological reasons and viewpoint of the current economic trend. She explains why Cryptocurrency is down and confirms the time frame she has been receiving from Spirit, namely when they will start to rise significantly. Sharon was told that Cryptos would remain flat / down overall thru the summer and that is exactly what we see so far. The good news is, we know about when we can expect things to turn around. I want to thank everyone for the support they have given Sharon and I so far which includes positive thoughts and gratitude. Thank you Jsnip4 for your shout out. As you know, we intend to keep our videos free. However, below is our Crypto addresses for those with a generous heart.
Litecoin MMJKure23ibPw4C4BF4FaSEvhpBRA2Ahq3
Bitcoin 3HPeEXFzwConLZ3daWcJdYTyrCoGy6CRat
Ethereum 0x09206b968c693f2B3074521eBC231A638EC98B5c
Thanks again….
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