Crypto currency Russiacoin surged 738% during the last day.
Russiacoin has recently traded at 0.000232 BTC or about 464 PND.
Russiacoin is a Scrypt PoW/PoS cryptocurrency made for all people around the world and escpecially the russian altcoin-community. Russiacoin will be the first coin to use the GDR (=golden readjustment algorithm) which is just similar to std. diff. adj. but has a adapted PoS start diff. so it will be a hybrid PoW/PoS in the PoW stage to allow an stabilization of PoS diff. within the PoW stage to make sure the network runs fluid.
It is traded on the Cryptopia cryptocurrency market.
What is your opinion about Russiacoin and its outlook for the future?
Please put your thoughts on Russiacoin in the comments below.
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