Greetings! I’m Mistie Owens, Executive Director here at DCN. I want to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself and share what’s new. First, I would like to extend warm greetings to those whom I haven’t met yet in Las Vegas and Reno. Since I joined DCN back in April, I have been on the go – working with my team, collaborating with partners, meeting community members – and in the past five months here I have seen tremendous things. I want to share my gratitude to the community, staff, board members and our funder ADSD, for welcoming me. I feel truly blessed. There have been a lot of happenings at DCN! You will often find me working on projects, working closely with staff, reaching out to community partners to increase visibility for DCN and advancing the purpose for our work.
Good news! Along with a new and improved strategic plan, we have created a brand-new logo. Understand, we are still Deaf Centers of Nevada, but we have a new look, color scheme and will have an updated website as well as a new Facebook look along with other social media platforms. We want to communicate with the community across these platforms to share events, news, workshops, trainings and to also include ongoing messages from the Executive Director. Our programs are still working hard to continue to provide and expand services to the community.
For those of you who currently subscribe to our email blasts – our “e-blast” – you will also see a change! How? Our emails will go out every Friday afternoon. If there is nothing to share during a certain week, you will still receive an email sharing that. These news are not just limited to just DCN happenings. I also want to include community events and anything else of interest to you.
We have Community Rooms here in Las Vegas and in Reno. Through expanding the Reno location, we have this there so that we can provide more room to accommodate workshops, events and social gatherings.
As I had mentioned earlier about our website revamp, there will be a reservation link. If you have an event, party or any other social function you want to host in one of our community rooms, simply click on the link. Fill out the registration information and submit the request. Once received, one of our staff members will get back to you to finalize your event details.
Now, as the sole organization giving these services to the state of Nevada, we are actively searching for more funding, foundation money and donations. We need individuals and entities who want to support DCN and the services we provide to the community and help us all see the fruition of DCN’s labor for years to come. This isn’t possible without private donors. If you are able and willing and able, please consider DCN and go to our website, Facebook or send in a donation in any way you can.
If you happen to be in the area of the Las Vegas office, come stop by and visit! I love any opportunity to meet and get to know you. I am at the Reno office frequently and will be sure to announce it so that you can come into the Reno office and visit me there as well.
Thank you all for watching. Have a great week and enjoy the rest of September!
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