Today I talk about an initiative a number of us have had that’s been in the works since last year, though putting more effort / urgency behind it since January when you’ll note that my videos slowed down a bunch.
I talk about the future of the DigiByte.io domain and why the use of .io might not be something we want longer-term:
So although we don’t have anything in stone I’d love to hear your thoughts on a future DigiByte domain name. We don’t want to get rid of the website, it’s *amazing* and the translations are brilliant, not to mention it’s a wealth of knowledge, but perhaps it’s a chance for us to move away from the .io TLD.
Secondly as mentioned we’re looking at pursuing greater decentralization, allowing more people to have a voice, be better represented and heard etc, and as such we’ve been looking at implementing the Gitflow GitHub Workflow:
This is *very* similar to what Bitcoin already do, compared to our existing ad-hoc structure, and as such a lot of people believe this formality will be hugely beneficial for us. However, unlike Bitcoin, this takes it one step further with the formality of them, and we’d like to be able to use pull requests instead of formal BIP’s, making it more “welcoming” for contributors and having less of a ‘gatekeeper’ approach.
Would love to have your thoughts below!
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