Dominik Schiener: IOTA and the Tangle

Dominik Schiener: IOTA and the Tangle


01:08 People are curious about your background, when and why did you get into blockchain space, what did you do before founding IOTA?
04:44 What aspect of blockchain got you interested?
06:05 When and how was IOTA born?
07:40 Why did you specifically focus on the Internet of Things?
08:43 How is collective intelligence and e-governance related to IoT?
10:23 What is ternary and what does it have to do with blockchain?
11:51 What are some papers we could read to try and understand ternary computing?
13:34 One criticism about ternary is its interoperability with binary tools and a lack of ecosystem, what do you think?
15:52 For someone who’s coming from a blockchain background, how would you best describe IOTA?
18:17 What are the main benefits of using Tangle as the data structure as opposed to 1 dimensional blockchains?
20:09 How does IOTA prevent double spend when it is asynchronous?
22:52 What are Coordinators and why do you need them?
25:05 Why did you create the Coordinators to be closed source?
25:24 Can you elaborate on more on oracles replacing Coordinators?
26:19 What type of nodes are there in Tangle?
28:38 How does consensus work in Tangle?
32:04 How many transactions per second can IOTA process?
32:40 IoT devices have limited storage, bandwidth, etc, is there an efficient way for manging resources for light clients?
34:03 If smart IoT devices are in the home, can each device carry out different functions?
37:02 Innogy will invest 1.2 billion dollars, is part of that investment involved with IOTA?
37:17 Is a classic blockchain better in administrative and logicstic applications and IOTA DAG only better in financial applications?
38:06 Would email leveraging Tangle make sense?
38:34 Is the Trusted IoT Alliance with Bosch, Cisco, and Innogy a marketing name for Tangle and IOTA?
39:11 What are the major attack vectors of the security of Tangle?
40:15 Can IOTA support smart contracts?
41:05 Is there any way to formally verify the security of Tangle?
42:34 Will Tangle need other scalability solutions like Lightning or Sharding?
44:34 How many different client implementations do you have?
45:07 Privacy is another huge issue for IoT devices, how does IOTA handle privacy?
46:03 Why did you choose to develop your own hash function and what was the problem?
47:36 How many team members do you have?
49:16 What kind of future are you envisioning in terms of IoT devices and machine economy?
50:06 Do you envision IOTA becoming the de facto currency for IoT?
51:04 Do you think IOTA can be used for humans and not just for machines?
52:32 When was IOTA’s ICO and how was it?
54:19 How can I participate in the IOTA ecosystem?
56:14 Bitcoin and Ethereum do fork, can IOTA fork?
56:50 If some group of people don’t like the development direction and fork, what can you do?
58:01 What kind of efforts are you exerting to make your system the standard?
58:41 Who do you need to persuade for standardization?
1:00:20 What are some of your future plans in terms of development and are we gonna see some cool stuff in the future?
1:01:20 How do you make sure data collected from the IoT devices are shared instead of being owned in the market place and does the user still own their data?
1:02:49 What do you think about Tangle being used as Point of Sales?
1:03:58 What role will IOTA be playing in the Trusted IoT Alliance?
1:04:35 IOTA has a probablistic approach so you cannot be 100% sure about the order, how can this be used as a basis for smart contracts?
1:05:33 Does the IOTA Foundation work with open source hardware projects leveraging Tangle?
1:06:04 Are you involved with artificial intelligence and neural networks?
1:06:45 Where do you and your founders get inspirations from?
1:08:03 Why in the world is IOTA not on a lot of exchanges? What have you been doing in Korea in regards to exchanges?
1:09:43 Final words?

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