Did you know you can earn passive income investing with the NEO Cryptocurrency? Let me show you how.
In this episode of earning passive income with cryptocurrency, we are going to looking at NEO, the chinese based blockchain protocol that pays you in a cryptocurrency called GAS, just for holding the NEO smart share token in a digital wallet.
NEO is a cryptocurrency & blockchain protocol that was launched in out of China in 2016, and was originally called ‘Ant Shares’. Originally dubbed China’a Ethereum Killer, it re-branded to NEO in 2017, with a new look and vision.
NEO fundamentally is a blockchain protocol layer, that lets developers build decentralised applications. Users like me and you, or business and enterprises, can then use these applications for things like gaming, authentication services, IoT devices or for logistics.
These applications differ from centralised applications because they utilise smart contracts, which on NEO are called NEO Contracts, and this lets developers program back-end business logic to be immutable, transparent, and decentralised.
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#NEO #Blockchain #PassiveIncome
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