Electroneum Instant Payments – Live Demo on Electroneum101.com

Electroneum Instant Payments – Live Demo on Electroneum101.com

This video shows a live demo of Electroneum’s instant payments system on the e-commerce store at http://electroneum101.com/shop/

On checkout, customers can pay for their items with ETN by scanning a QR code with the app (or clicking on the QR code to open the app or web wallet manager). The amount and payment information is already included in the QR code so the customer simply has to confirm the order and enter their PIN code to complete the purchase.

For developers:

The integration is a plugin for Woocommerce – an e-commerce extension for sites that run on WordPress. Installation is as simple as downloading and activating the plugin on a site with Woocommerce installed and then specifying vendor details such as API key, API secret, and vendor outlet ID on the settings page. The app will show the correct payment QR code during checkout and process the payment once the customer indicates that he/she has completed the payment.

Great work team ETN! This system is going places!

More about Electroneum: https://electroneum101.com

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