Electroneum! The fastest Growing Mobile Network of the Future || Ex UNICEF CEO JOINS ELECTRONEUM

Electroneum! The fastest Growing Mobile Network of the Future || Ex UNICEF CEO JOINS ELECTRONEUM

#Electroneum #ENT #Unicef

Kindly Input this CODE – 669C96 to Generate More ETN..

For more Information kindly email- Nweziucheesther@gmail.com

or Dm on Instagram- Nwezi_Uche

What Is Electroneum?

Electroneum is a mobile-first cryptocurrency aimed at mass adoption. The Electroneum team makes acquiring cryptocurrency as simple as downloading an app. By breaking down the barriers around acquiring it, the Electroneum team believes they can spread their coin far and wide.

There are countless people that want to buy various coins but aren’t willing to send awkward selfies with their passport to a website they know nothing about. There are also the issues of linking bank accounts and paying shockingly high fees. Electroneum feels they have the solution and in this guide, we’ll go over how they aim to bring cryptocurrency to the masses.

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