Empowering a Generation with Crypto by Richard Ells of Electroneum and Anytask

Empowering a Generation with Crypto by Richard Ells of Electroneum and Anytask

Blockchain Africa Conference:
Cryptocurrency and its underlying technology, blockchain, have the power to change lives, to generate prosperity, empower people in remote and underserved communities, and unlock the global digital economy for the nearly 1.7 billion people who are currently unbanked.
But how many cryptocurrencies have actually concerned themselves with going beyond being anything more than just a speculative tool? How many cryptocurrencies have focused on creating ways for people to earn crypto and then enable various ways for them to use their crypto in their daily lives?
Cryptocurrency can effectively help billions of people in a world that has demonstrated that it can change practically overnight. Crypto has the power to provide people and their communities a path to greater prosperity. Doing so can spark mainstream adoption, although not before adopting regulations for their protection. Regulations help build trust and that, in turn, is arguably the key element that will appeal to traditional businesses that are currently crypto-skeptics.
#Electroneum, #ETN, #Cryptocurrency, #Blockchain

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