In this video I discuss the recent flare up of news and gossip about Dan Larimer possibly leaving #EOS to start another project. This was sparked by recent comments he has made regarding an epiphany for a new project, a currency… a #bitcoin killer currency. But is he really leaving EOS? Or are we taking a leap? And is EOS facing bigger issues than rumors of Dan leaving? Namely, their DPOS getting out of control with collusion and cartels forming.
twitter: @bluecollarcryp
Related materials:
Elastos Supernode Protocol: https://news.elastos.org/ela-dpos-supernode-protocol/
Sounds like Bitcoin, New Token By Dan Larimer: https://cointelegraph.com/news/sounds-like-bitcoin-new-token-concept-from-eos-dan-larimer-fails-to-win-fans
Crypto Tim video: Dan Larimer’s Private and Fast Bitcoin: https://youtu.be/9hVAv_wmwH0
This video is my own opinion, not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and I am not responsible for your investments.
#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #ethereum #elastos #danlarimer #dpos #elastosdpos #rongchen #elastosupdates #eosupdates #danleavingeos
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