EOS Hot Sauce #24 – Block.one Settlement, Korea Blockchain Week, WAX Rewards and more!

EOS Hot Sauce #24 – Block.one Settlement, Korea Blockchain Week, WAX Rewards and more!

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Sources and links:

Host. Partner. Attend. Video: https://twitter.com/block_one_/status/1176869096450711557
EOSIO Hackathon Sign up: https://hackathon.eos.io/
Block.one New US Headquarters: https://block.one/news/block-one-opens-us-headquarters-in-arlington/
Block.one Arlington Headquarters: https://www.arlnow.com/2019/09/23/blockchain-company-to-open-u-s-hq-in-arlington/
Block.one SEC settlement Blog Post: https://block.one/news/block-one-announces-settlement-with-us-securities-and-exchange-commission/
Reg D/A no action letter: https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/2019/block.one-093019-506.pdf
Greg and Joe from Block.one: https://twitter.com/block_one_/status/1177534754188492800?s=21
Crypto Twitter @mantoriESQ: https://twitter.com/msantoriESQ/status/1178811671621591040?s=19
Katherine Wu: https://www.katherinewu.me/writings/2019/9/30/dissecting-the-blockone-settlement-with-the-sec

Korea Blockchain Week:
EOS Community Meetup in Seoul: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eos-community-meetup-seoul-tickets-73472741949
Ivan on Tech: https://twitter.com/ivanontech/status/1177984053892599808?s=12
Brittany Kaiser – The Great Hack trailer: https://youtu.be/iX8GxLP1FHo
DSP 2.0 release article: https://medium.com/the-liquidapps-blog/dapp-network-dsp-2-release-scalability-for-dapps-eos-ethereum-f666add63e4e

WAX Developer Hive: http://developer.wax.io
WAX Rewards Tutorial: https://medium.com/@eos_amsterdam/wax-rewards-how-they-work-and-how-to-get-them-923a1c3ec9db

Privacy Projects Updates
PrivEOS Tokenomics: https://steemit.com/priveos/@slant/priveos-tokenomics
Getting started with PrivEOS for Developers: https://github.com/rawrat/priveos-client/wiki/Getting-started
BlockBase Token Distribution: https://medium.com/@BlockBaseNetwork/blockbase-token-distribution-roadmap-672a2156a517
BlockBase Airgrab Countdown: https://www.blockbase.network/Home/#countdown
PEOS Launch announcement: https://medium.com/@pEOS_one/peos-mainnet-launch-a0460b9f5e47

ChainRift Standby Testing Solution
Original EOS Voter Bounty Proposal: https://medium.com/@eos42/eos-voter-bounties-update-42653472c384#dcd9
ChainRift EOS sBP rotation article: https://medium.com/chainrift/random-standby-solution-by-chainrift-eos-b20f9b3f0f70
Random Standby Solution on Github: https://github.com/ChainRift/eosio.contracts#evb—random-standby-bounty-poc
ChainRift EOS Website: https://eos.chainrift.com/

BOS IBC for EOSIO v1.8 article: https://medium.com/boscore/bos-ibc-for-eosio-v1-8-aa6a8c4eba8f
BOS listed on marketcap.one: marketcap.one/m/BOS

DRIFE Website: https://www.drife.one/
DRIFE IEO on Shortex Exchange: https://shortex.net/drife

HireVibes monthly report: https://medium.com/@HireVibes/hirevibes-rewards-surpass-23k-hirevibes-wallet-is-live-and-referral-system-is-optimised-a4a69e36716f

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