Exclusive Interview: Moonlite Crypto Mining Eric Krige on Doxxing & more

Exclusive Interview: Moonlite Crypto Mining Eric Krige on Doxxing & more

Mining ICO’s I don’t love them you know that but I sure as hell love the drama that comes with them. No sooner had I finished my interview with Egold mining, which you can watch here, and my messages were flooded with claims that another Mining ICO, Moonlite, was a giant scam and I should look into it. When I began my research there were plenty of messages to Moonlites ceo Eric Krige asking him in repsonse Eric posted an image of yacht he had supposedly bought. This was some grade A trolling but the behaviours that followed however have led to time in the headmasters office.

Before I even had the chance to reach out, Moonlites CEO Eric Krige and Dr Mo Khan the CEO of Egold Mining were trading blows over telegram. Like a schoolyard scrap the pair and their followers ended up thrashing around in the mud with it all ending with allegations of racism, doxxing and alleged threats against a CFO’s children. Like my old school headmaster Mr Cornelious I was tempted to grab them by their collars to drag them back onto their feet.

Following this mess I reached out to Moonlite’s Eric Krige for an interview and he accepted.

Is Moonlite a scam? Do I ask that question every video? Is he ever going to build a mine? What is his new yacht like and is it perhaps a mining yacht? To find out, lets take a look.

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