Microsoft’s dual-screen Surface Neo is coming out in 2023 — here’s what you need to know.
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The Surface Neo, one of 6 new products Microsoft announced at its October 2019 keynote, meant to improve your productivity when you’re on the go.
The new dual-screen device has two 4×3 screens that unfold into a 3×2 device and can be used as a tablet, a notebook, a laptop, and even a large screen.
The product won’t launch until the 2023 holiday season, but Microsoft wanted to give developers a head start in making unique dual-screen experiences for consumers.
The Surface Neo isn’t the first dual-screen device to have been announced in 2019. Samsung announced the Galaxy Fold smartphone in April, but after the phone kept breaking,
Samsung postponed the launch until September 27.
Watch to learn more about what Microsoft’s new Surface Neo has to offer to find out if the new device is for you.
#Microsoft #SurfaceNeo #DualScreen #Science #Technology #Future
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