In this week’s Thursday Threads, Laura is experimenting with the Fence Rail quilt block to try to create something new. In the end, she has created another cute cuddle quilt.
Be sure to check out http://www.sewinginthebarn.com/
Please subscribe to be a part of Crazy Dave’s Crew!
Crazy Dave’s Crew was originally our family signature on geocaching logs but has grown to be so much more. We were having too much fun to keep it a secret, so we started a blog(http://cdcrew.com) and now this family vlog(Crazy Dave’s Crew). Crazy Dave’s Crew vlogs about almost anything that affects our lives or grabs our attention. We love creating and sharing all of the adventures and family fun we are having through video. We have new videos three to four days a week about geocaching, sewing, family fun, backyard chickens, homeschooling and more. Come with us on this adventure and become part of Crazy Dave’s Crew.
Be sure to check out our new 100% geocaching channel:
Adventures in Geocaching with Crazy Dave – https://bit.ly/2LwnpWI
The Crew’s newest addition to the line up:
Grave History – https://bit.ly/2OzK6u2
Our children have their own YouTube channels as well:
Shelby (17) – Mysterywings http://bit.ly/2DYPWV3
Dave (15) – SlaitFox55 http://bit.ly/2FDrHYC
Nick (15) – ChaseCat6 http://bit.ly/2nz7ITA
For Business Inquiries Please Email: CrazyDave@cdcrew.com or CrazyDavesCrew@gmail.com
Our Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 503
Harrison, Tennessee 37341
Fun videos we think you might enjoy!
Thursday Threads: http://bit.ly/2oWXqNJ
Try It Tuesday: http://bit.ly/2HdlGm6
Family Fun: http://bit.ly/2ECE7ko
Geocaching Adventures: http://bit.ly/2nyIQfs
The Cleveland Greenway: http://bit.ly/2E8J2eT
How To: http://bit.ly/2DXjwWy
Sewing Adventures with Laura: http://bit.ly/2s5yjgs
Beginning Quilter: http://bit.ly/2EBslqm
Mystery Quilt #5: http://bit.ly/2EB0B59
Backyard Chickens: http://bit.ly/2nx0znv
Cat Videos: http://bit.ly/2FFfuTm
Homeschooling Adventures: http://bit.ly/2FGTabN
South Chickamauga Creek Greenway: http://bit.ly/2G3jAoC
Crazy Dave’s Crew can also be found on:
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2nxbkWR
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2FExey3
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2GHBH4x
Our Blog: http://bit.ly/2D90GMM
Jenny’s Theme by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Thanks For Watching!
-Crazy Dave’s Crew
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