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? https://www.udemy.com/buying-and-investing-in-cryptocurrencies-for-australians/?couponCode=CRYPTOAUSCOURSE
? A great crypto exchange in Australia is CoinSpot (deposits currently paused)
? Check out Independent Reserve for BTC, ETH and BCH https://www.independentreserve.com?invite=JTRUFT
? Trade alt-coins on the Binance exchange https://www.binance.com/register.html?ref=10202857
? Keep your cryptos safe with a Nano Ledger S https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/0a40
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? Want to get in touch? Shoot me an email at cryptosaustralia@gmail.com
? Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser, nor am I an accountant. This is my personal opinion based on my own experience and interpretation. Everyone is responsible and accountable for their own research and financial decisions they make. Referral and affiliate links do earn me commissions but they are products or services I personally use. These help me and my channel to provide great content without needing donations. Cheers 🙂
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