Feel the vibe of the 3rd dutch iota meetup: 4 amazing presentations incl github links on iota based machine 2 machine interaction, hardware wallets, smart meter data and even video streaming. And an hour of Q&A by John D. Licciardello-IOTA Foundation: Managing Director IOTA Ecosystem developmentfund
And Koen Maris- IOTA Foundation: Advisor Cyber security
The Harvest:
(1) Machine to machine interaction on IOTA if only one machine is connected to the Internet (incl. Tech deepdive)- Harm van den Brink & Ton Smets ElaadNL
(2) Self Sovereign smart meter data on the tangle- Peter Baard & the GasUnie Blockchaingers Hackathon team 2018
(3) Iota on the Ledger Nano S (Hardware wallet).- Peter Willemsen (codebuffet)
(4) Levering IOTA leverages to deliver 100% free video conversations all over the world, with a 100% uptime guarantee- Peter Willemsen (codebuffet)
(5) Invitation to Co-create on AI & IOTA/ Join international Hackathon teams by JP : Enexis group
(6) One hour of Q&A by John & Koen of the IOTA foundation
All presentations have Github links!
Playlist all presentations 3rd Dutch IOTA meetup:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCuC2Qo091T0tfTfufSOQxTAUbxgFd0zm
Playlist all Iota foundation Q&A questions during this meetup: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCuC2Qo091T3dokatjwWzPTOhA4KEmy1R
Join Dutch IOTA Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Dutch-IOTA-Meetup-Powered-by-the-IOTA-Foundation-and-friends/
Visit ecosystem.iota.org
Related Post:
- Backendless Machine2Machine interaction on IOTA 3rd Dutch Iota Meetup
- Peter Willemsen introduces Iota on the ledger Nano S Hardware Wallet: 3rd Dutch iota meetup
- Whole Iota Foundation Q&A session- also availabe as playlist per Question: 3rd Dutch Iota meetup
- Dominik Schiener: Join the Dutch IOTA meetup on May 3rd 18 in ‘De Nieuwe Liefde’ A’dam
- IOTA Foundation update – Dominik Schiener | Dutch IOTA Meetup #4
- IOTA introduction by Dominik schiener @ 1st Dutch IOTA Meetup on oct 25th 2017
- Dutch Iota Meetup Nr3
- Dutch IOTA meetup 4: Machine2Machine Ecosystems, Identity, Nature2.0 and odyssey.org
- Dutch IOTA meetup #4 – Machine2Machine Ecosystems – Identity – Nature20 – odyssey.org
- Use-cases exploration around M2M ecosystems and identity – Aftermovie | Dutch IOTA Meetup #4