GPU Prices coming down on Amazon? https://geni.us/AAktZ (PAID LINK)
AAAWave 12 GPU Mining Frame: https://geni.us/pQ2Qge6 (PAID LINK)
SUB to The Hobbyist Miner! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_MdaGkjJwY8vGvytybE7w?sub_confirmation=1
Want to DUAL Mine Ethereum & Zilliqa? https://ezil.me/?p=7af87
00:00 Intro
00:41 Explaining the Rig & Some Issues
02:25 Initial Ethereum Results T-Rex Miner
05:11 Ethereum Hashrate with MiniZ for RTX 3060 40Mh/s+
08:39 Raven Hashrates
10:22 Ergo Hashrates
Red Panda Mining MERCH! https://dogelord.com/collections/red-panda-mining-collection
Subscribe to my 2nd Youtube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuTcb4Ncn2q1Woi0Bt3VJA?sub_confirmation=1
Join Red Panda Mining’s Discord Channel! – https://discord.gg/cJwmK7B
Send Your Mining Rig Pics in Discord to be featured in upcoming Community Mining Rigs Episodes/Live Streams!
My TRUSTED Crypto Mining Hardware Shops:
MineShop.eu – https://mineshop.eu?raf=ref4090761
Into ASIC Mining? https://CryptoMinerBros.com use coupon REDPANDA for $50 off!
NerdGearz For Crypto Mining Hardware! https://NerdGearz.com use coupon REDPANPAN for 2% whole order!
BEST PCIE Mining Risers – https://GPURisers.com use Coupon REDPANDAMINING for 10% off! in EU? https://gpurisers.uk/
Crypto Mining Software I APPROVE!
SimpleMining.net OS – https://simplemining.net/ref?user=redpandamining
Kryptex – https://www.kryptex.org/?ref=70380b90
CudoMiner – https://www.cudominer.com/?a=_2sL6uk7q
HiveOS – https://hiveos.farm?ref=109254
mmpos.EU – https://app.mmpos.eu/register?refer=O1N-X7EW-ENU
Looking for GPUs? https://geni.us/GACYCl
Best/Safest/Reliable Risers: https://GPUrisers.com
Best Motherboard for Mining IMO: https://geni.us/Z9JE4v
Recommended CPU Needed: https://geni.us/c49vFP
Safest RAM Needed 4-8GB: https://geni.us/dwOB
PSU for Mining: https://geni.us/rno3nZj
PCIE 1 to 4 USB Adapter for Mining: https://geni.us/TyEARji
HDMI Dummy Plugs: https://geni.us/miV3
How I Clean My Mining Rigs: https://geni.us/8p9JXFt
7″ Portable Monitor: https://geni.us/sdLQM
Need a Shelf for Mining? https://geni.us/4DsSk20
My Favorite Book – “The Bitcoin Standard”: https://geni.us/NH5spNd
Email for Business Inquiries ONLY – Contact@RedPandaMining.com for Crypto Mining help please join Discord! https://discord.gg/cJwmK7B
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
*DISCLAIMER* When it comes to GPU Mining, remember Silicon Lottery! Results MAY vary from GPU to GPU so your Clocks/Undervolt/Voltage shown in my videos may not work for you because of GPU Brand/Memory/Manufacturing what have you. Temperatures and your Cooling methods will also play the part and have an affect. Test at your OWN RISK and do your OWN RESEARCH.
Disclaimer – I am not an expert. This is not financial advice and do your own research. Everything said is from my point of view and for entertainment purposes.
#Ethereum #Ergo #Ravencoin
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