This is NOT financial or investment advice.
HelloIOTA is NOT part of the IOTA Foundation – we are community members who like the project and want to contribute something useful.
HelloIOTA Roundup #004
Big thanks to @The_CryptoMerch (www.thecryptomerch.com) for sending us a T-Shirt and a mug!!! AWESOME!
01:53 IOTA Coordinator explanation video
10:14 HONDA and GM joining MOBI
13:16 delion.io translation service solution
15:19 London University (Birkbeck college)
16:39 Konica Minolta
17:31 IILA RWTH business meeting
Honda/GM cointelegraph article: https://cointelegraph.com/news/honda-and-gm-to-research-smart-grid-electric-car-interoperability-with-blockchain-tech
delion.io translation service solution: https://medium.com/@m_18966/introducing-a-pay-per-char-translation-service-powered-by-iota-x-delion-io-50b3a7fd863?sk=1e9932ac3f8495da5eed64e5d1294cd2
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