250,000+ daily active users on Steem is my estimate based on 50,000+ transacting every day AND the number of unique users active on all Steem applications including steemit.com, @dlive, steemdb, etc. This estimate of 250,000+ daily active users on Steem comes from applying the same definition that most database driven platforms like Google and Facebook rely on to define an active user instead of only counting the number of accounts making transactions.
When we remember that a blockchain is really just a fancy name for a database and that everyone accessing the database every day counts as an active user, we see that we have a lot more “active users” on Steem than we can easily report.
Why Does It Matter?
In the live witness forum hosted by @aggroed last week which I uploaded a full replay of at https://steemit.com/dlive/@jerrybanfield/1bcfe7f0-4c8d-11e8-aa5b-83da28bb4ae3 we heard many of us participating, including me, referencing the number of active daily users on Steem in a way that makes it seem like a problem because we only included the number of accounts transacting every day.
By using the number of accounts transacting as the number of active users, we only count the top 5 or 10 percent of most engaged users on Steem as active. When we consider that around 50,000 accounts out of 920,000+ transact every day, this makes it seem like we have a problem with user retention and that everyone involved needs to work to solve it.
I was shocked to realize during the witness forum last week that even with my seven years of experience in digital marketing, I had not stopped to consider what we were choosing to call an “active user” on Steem and the impact of this on the conversation about our user activity on Steem!
Defining Active Users Accurately!
An ACTIVE USER in digital marketing includes EVERYONE using a website or application via any interaction with the DATABASE from a UNIQUE IP ADDRESS. This definition includes signed in users engaging, signed in users only pulling data by browsing, and signed out users only pulling data by browsing. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monthly_active_users.
How Do We Calculate ACTIVE USERS?
To see how we calculate active users, it may be easier to start by thinking about YouTube. YouTube’s number of active users will include all unique viewers on every video on every application from youtube.com, mobile applications, and embedded videos on every website. That total for any one day is the number of active users on YouTube.
If YouTube only included users liking videos, uploading videos, and commenting on videos, the number of active users reported on YouTube would only represent a fraction of the total. Meanwhile on Steem …
Continue reading at https://steemit.com/dlive/@jerrybanfield/44fbd221-4e18-11e8-afd0-0242ac110002
Bid Bot Questions and Answers!
Speaking of bots, in addition to talking about active users in this live witness update, I will also present a bid bot tutorial live because I am consistently seeing a lot of questions and confusion about using bid bots. For those new to bid bods, I recommend a look at https://steembottracker.com/.
Get Answers to More Questions Live!
With doing Steem full time as a witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses, every Wednesday between 10 am to 12 pm eastern time I intend to be available to accept live questions and answers after a short initial presentation showing what I have been thinking about most as a witness during the previous week. The purpose of this is to be accountable to you each week as to what I have contributed to our community and available for you to get answers from me about anything you want to know including an immediate live reaction to your questions.
Thank you very much for reading about this live witness update which I hope was helpful in maintaining the hope and faith we have in our Steem blockchain’s ability to help make this the beautiful world we intend to live together in!
Jerry Banfield
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