VRC Pro is a radio control car racing simulator that can be played on your PC and can use your RC car radio and receiver as a controller. I came across. VRC Pro when I was looking into racing RC cars. I thought that this might be an excellent way to get started practicing, hone my skills somewhat and save some money instead of going to the track and busting up a car. Plus with Covid-19 this makes it easy to stay home, stay safe, and social distance.
1st thing I did was to order the proper arduino. there are multiple to choose from, just as long as it uses the ATmega16U4 or ATmega32U4 microcontroller. These include Leonardo, Micro, Micro Pro, Micro SS, etc.
2nd thing, is to download and install the Arduino IDE (its free) there are multiple ways to do this, but I did it through the windows store.
3rd thing is to get the joystick libraries available on github, and to get the sketch/code that kekse23.de wrote for the arduino and then unzip it.
4th plug the arduino into the computers usb cable or port..
5th Double clicked the arduino sketch to open it. I checked out to ensure the file was all there, and nothing looked wonky. I added the library via the zip method within the IDE. Then I ensured the correct board was selected, and the correct com port.
6th After these things were corrected and everything looked as it should, I verified/compiled the sketch/program, and then proceeded to upload it to the Arduino board. When this finished successfully, I unplugged it and walked it out to my workshop.
7th Now this is when we hook up the wires.
Red = Pinout VCC. this is our 5 volt positive
Black = Pinout GND this is our ground or negative
White = Pinout 2 will be our channel 2 signal
Green = Pinout 3 will be our channel 1 signal
Orange = Pinout RX1 will be our channel 4 signal
Yellow = Pinout TX0 will be our channel 3 signal
After the wires are all hooked up I put some heat shrink just to keep it from accidently shorting.
8th Plug it all into the receiver, and then plug the USB into it.
9th I fired up the windows joystick and controller utility (Set up USB game controllers). Here we can calibrate it using this utility, and also to see if the arduino is talking to windows and using the inputs from the radio. During calibration I made sure to move the trigger and wheel its full travel left to right and forward and back. I also made it a point to hold the buttons a few times just to make sure they were registering during calibration.
10th Now if it is working in our windows utility, we can go on and check that everything is working properly in VRC Pro. When in the games full menu, go to option then go to Control Options. If the steering wheel is working backwards or the throttle is the brake and vice versa, it can usually be reversed on your radio, or it can also be reversed within the VRC Pro game itself.
11th Have fun racing, and be sure to subscribe to Hoot Builds Youtube Channel.
SOURCES Can be found in the DIY VRC Arduino game adapter on my Blog Hoot Builds dot com
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