How to make Stratis swap to STRAX from QT wallet

How to make Stratis swap to STRAX from QT wallet

Tips in $strax : XWmKHH55PapgwRExu4oAdSKrQfu9imvj1N

Stratis X QT Recovery Process
1. Open StratisX that contains your wallet
2.Once loaded; open the console via “Help Debug Window Console”
Enter the below command:
dumpwallet “filepath.txt”

Open CMD or PowerShell and navigate to the location where the AddressOwnershipTool was stored.
The simplest way to achieve this is to open the folder where the tool was stored and type CMD into the navigation bar and hit ENTER. This will open a new instance of CMD in the opened directory

Now call the AddressOwnershipTool executable with the following command:
AddressOwnershipTool.exe -privkeyfile=“C:UsersStratisUserDesktopWalletBackupwallet.txt” -destination=destinationaddress
Please replace “destinationaddress” with YOUR STRAX Address.
5. A CSV file will be created in the directory where you launched the AddressOwnershipTool, named the same as your destination STRAX address, containing signatures, signed with your private key for each of the addresses contained within your wallet.
6. Upload this CSV to STRAX Token Swap Process Form

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