The Crypto Craziness is all over the place and I’m dong my best to expose the shadier players. The latest is why Block.one is begging for more money after raising $4B?? “Oh, what a tangled web we weave…!”
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- ALERT: HUGE Crypto Bank FAILS! Leaves Tether, Bitfinex & EOS’s Block.one in Limbo!! (Bix Weir)
- ALERT: HUGE Crypto Bank FAILS! Leaves Tether, Bitfinex & EOS’s Block.one in Limbo! Bix Weir 10-2-18
- $1B EOS/Block.One ETH Funds GONE!…WHERE?! (Bix Weir)
- Who Wins if EOS Fails?…Block.One!! (Bix Weir)
- ALERT! Noble Bank Implosion Will Pull Down Tether, Bitfinex, Block.one & EOS!! (Bix Weir)
- Is Block.One Trying to Raise Money by Pumping EOS Price?! (Bix Weir)
- EOS's "HUGE Announcment" is a DUD!! Why Did Dan Larimer Hype It So Much?! (Bix Weir)
- Block.One News Updates – Block.One & Galaxy Digital BANK – EOS Hackathon Results – SEC On ICO’s
- Verge Coin’ Huge MISTAKE! (Bix Weir)
- EOS Network Freezes! – “NO…I Don’t Want EOS to Fail!” (Bix Weir)