I Bought $20,000 of Rentberry ICO | Best ICO 2018 | Rentberry Cryptocurrency ICO Review

I Bought $20,000 of Rentberry ICO | Best ICO 2018 | Rentberry Cryptocurrency ICO Review

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Buy Rentberry here: https://rentberry.cryptonomos.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI36nVo6SV2AIVksVkCh3R2wT8EAAYASAAEgLjLvD_BwE
Rentberry ICO is currently selling at 27% bonus. I entered a position very early, when it was at 33% bonus because I really the project. Rentberry cryptocurrency aims to use the berry token to revolutionize the long-term estate rental space. Rentberry is a company up and running and expanding well since 2015. I like the core team, as they have experiences and expertise in each of their respective areas. Their investor backings are impressive. In my opinion, Rentberry ICO is a very safe ICO to invest in 2018, because the problem they are trying to solve is not hard and can be achieved within a year or two. This is a very applicable, and scalable token, although might not be aiming to solve an insane problem in the society. Overall, I rate Rentberry a 8/10 for ICO investments.
My name is Tony Tian, and I am a private crypto investor who engage in long-term investing and swing trading. I also manage a $600,000 private equity cryptocurrency investment fund, check out my investment fund here: tytcapital.com. Welcome to my channel! Here you will find the most up-to-date cryptocurrency long-term recommendations, technical analysis, and price predictions. Please hit the subscribe button, and give my videos a huge thumb up if you find them helpful!

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