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? This is AFTV Xtra, where you can find all the laughs, all the rage and all the explosive moments from the world’s number 1 football fan channel. Check out our live stream highlights, the best moments from your favourite members as well as unseen bloopers from all the shows.
? Make sure to subscribe to AFTV on YouTube, and follow AFTV on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Snapchat: @aftvmedia
? AFTV is the largest football fan network in the world! With a bias towards Arsenal Football Club, we are the authentic voice of the football fan, a place where the fan’s uncensored opinion can be heard before, during and after the whistle blows.This is where the world watches, and the voice of the fan can be heard!
? AFTV is not part of the official Arsenal Football Club. It is a platform set up by Arsenal fans for Arsenal fans where they can voice their independent opinions and talk all things Arsenal – the greatest football club in the world.
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