Introduction to the Electroneum CLI Master Class Series

Introduction to the Electroneum CLI Master Class Series

Introduction to the Electroneum CLI Master Class Series – New ETN User – Seasoned Pro. This series will teach you everything you need to know from start to finish. Download, syncing of the Daemon / CLI wallet, sending / receiving ETN, common used commands, best practices and keeping your wallet data safe and secure. This is the most comprehensive ETN CLI Wallet instructional video series currently on the internet.

View the full video in its entirety here:

Electroneum Website:

Download Links:
Wallet Generator

Wallet and Daemon Software Download:

Change directory command for adding your wallet data to the specified folder of your choice. – Example:
cd /d E:ETN

Create Wallet in directory:
electroneum-wallet-cli.exe –generate-from-keys (your wallet name)

transfer out of wallet:
transfer etnwalletaddress numberofcoins paymentid
example: transfer etnxxxxxxxx 100 4b2f5sxxxxxx

#electroneum #etncliwallet #electroneumcliwallet

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