The video shows the demonstration of “IOT Car Parking System”. This system is a smart way to automate the management of parking system that allows an efficient parking space utilization using IOT technology.
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The system is an advanced and smarter version of our traditional parking system, where one needs to manually keep track of the available parking space. But the IOT Car Parking System utilizes powerful IR sensors to keep track of available parking space. The IR sensor is known as the photocoupler or an optocoupler, this pair works as an emitter and receiver to form a very good proximity sensor. The IR sensors are placed on the entry and the exit of the parking space where it makes the door operation automatic and opens up the barricades on the entry and exit of a vehicle. The same IR sensors are placed on the short proximity to keep track on the available parking space. This system is fully automatic and keeps track of the available and non vacant parking space, and better yet it prevent any further entry for a vehicle if the parking space is full.
The Car Parking system can be accessed using IOT, which stands for Internet Of Things. The IOT provides a wireless access to the system and the user can keep track of available parking space over IOT using just simple internet. Using this system one can eliminate the manpower and fully automate the parking system.
IOT Irrigation Monitoring and Control Project: https://youtu.be/ZM8KcVQtqmY
IOT Garbage Monitoring System: https://youtu.be/lCf-Mbis48I
IOT Based Electronic Door Opener Project: https://youtu.be/6bZhN9X0Yx4
IOT Liquid Level Monitoring Project: https://youtu.be/GYS7-HPdOLk
Biometric Attendance System Using IOT: https://youtu.be/ylvy3FU1ANk
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