This might be one of my most useful projects using the trigBoard. This is something I’m using right now to monitor my crappy plumbing skills – if a leak should occur, I’ll get a push notification on my phone within 5-10seconds using the Push-Safer service. The circuit to put this together was surprisingly very simple too – this was a crazy easy project, especially since the trigBoard was practically designed for this application. No worries if you’re not into the trigBoard – you should be able to apply a lot of this to any platform.
Here’s the wiki for this project: https://www.kevindarrah.com/wiki/index.php?title=TrigBoardWaterDetect
trigBoard wiki – code/schematic is up there:
Check out my Tindie store (trigBoard is available) https://www.tindie.com/stores/kdcircuits/
Thanks to all the Patrons for dropping a few bucks in the tip jar to help make these videos happen!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KDcircuits
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