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Is Salt a ponzi scheme? Is Salt a scam? Salt is a cryptocurrency that focuses on providing blockchain backed crypto-lending platform for lenders and borrowers around the world. Salt in my opinion is more secure than Bitconnect and definitely presents itself as more trustworthy than Bitconnect. Here I analyzed Salt both in its long-term value proposition, as well as a technical evaluation of its short-term profitability.
My name is Tony Tian, and I am a private crypto investor who engages in long-term investing and swing trading. I also manage a $600,000 private equity cryptocurrency investment fund, check out my investment fund here: tytcapital.com. Welcome to my channel! Here you will find the most up-to-date cryptocurrency long-term recommendations, technical analysis, and price predictions. Please hit the subscribe button, and give my videos a huge thumb up if you find them helpful! Disclaimer – I am only giving personal advice. If you choose to use my advice, you do so at your own risk.
Intro/Outro Song: Darlin’ by Tom Zanetti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlohK…
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