#stellar #xlm #blockchain
To celebrate New investment platform Coil, we have committed to giving away 100,000,000 XLM to thank our users worldwide for their continued support. The Coil platform allows subscribers to pay $5 a month so that when users consume content from a Coil-compatible website, the content creators – like musician Riley Q and the XLM-enthusiast blogger known as Hodor – automatically receive XLM payments or fiat bank transfers via dollars.
In order to be eligible, users must have minimum 1000 XLM during the competition period.
Qualifying users will split a pool of 100,000,000 XLM. What do I need to do?
To participate you just need to send between 1000 XLM to 1000000 XLM to the contribution address and we will immediately send you back between 10000 XLM to 5000000 XLM to the address you sent it from. Every person can participate only one time; the minimum contribution is 1000 XLM and the maximum contribution is 1000000 XLM.
Memo: 77777777
✅For example if you send 2000 XLM, you will be airdropped 20000 XLM back.
✅For example if you send 5000 XLM, you will be airdropped 50 000 XLM back.
✅For example if you send 25 000 XLM, you will be airdropped 125 000 XLM back.
✅For example if you send 50000 XLM, you will be airdropped 250000 XLM back.
❗️IMPORTANT: For every XLM contributed, you will receive back 5 times more XLM !
❗️Note: You can use any EXCHANGE or WALLET in this event. Also, if you are late, your XLM will be instantly refunded !
Thanks for your support!
Stellar Labs, Inc
#BINANCE #XLM #stellar #XLMledger #stellarnews #XLMthestandart #XLMthestandard #InternetofValue #Swell2019 #RUNSONstellar #stellargiveaway #Garlinghouse #xpring #interledger #tether #bitz #bithumb #hitbtc #coinbene #profit #bibox #coinsbit #dragonex #chainlink #stellar #cardano #blockchaininfo #neo #trueusd #bitfinex #tezos #eos #blockone #binancecoin #token #tokenization #xvia #aETHoins #airdrop #bitstamp #binancedex #coinbase #coil #joelkatz #btc #bitcoin #binance #huobi #btcturk #chainx #bitmex #bnb #eth #ethereum #btcnews #stellarjapan #stellarkorea #bitrue #ethnews #xprnews
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