Ksenia & BCN Jazz Dancers present new fresh work – “Baa Baa Black Sheep”. A group choreography by Ksenia Parkhatskaya to a fantastic tune by arguably the best and most significant jazz orchestra in the world today Jazz at Lincoln Center & it’s leader, the one and only Mr. Wynton Marsalis.
“Office plankton, greyness, matrix, sheep, daily routine, grey mass…. and shaking the dust off it, awakening through the healing, refreshing and powerful call of jazz shout, finding our voice, finding the truth inside us and letting it pour out. Not everyone manages to stay in the truth though, and that’s a personal journey. But the one who tasted the life of freedom, love, passion, and truth will be forever guided by that light. And let’s hope more of us will be awakened, will shake the mythology and turn their bodies and souls to the eternal truth. That’s what we dance about in Baa Baa” – Ksenia
Yes, you can dance to any jazz music. Yes, you can tell stories through jazz dance. Yes, that is what we are doing and that is my idea of jazz dance today. Jazz is the way of life. Jazz is big and deep and it’s pulsating inside. Like Sonny Rollins said “(Jazz) It’s a sense of hope, that life could be better. Its a sense of happiness… ”
I absolutely love and adore my talented international dance crew. We are from all over the world but we are based in Barcelona where we create, learn, practice and life through dance and music!
From the bottom of my heart, I and the dancers we thank Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra & Wynton Marsalis for their beautiful work and music. We are eternally inspired and we were inspired, moved and enlightened every minute of the many rehearsals we had together to prepare this work.
“Baa Baa Black Sheep” by Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra & Wynton Marsalis
Ainoa Pons
Alba Casadellà
Anna Portell
Aurélien Darbellay
Clara Llobet Sabaté
Jose Maria Farfan
Julia Dierickx-Brax
Ksenia Parkhatskaya
Luis Guillermo Diaz Puentes
María Ferrer
Neus Castells Marcé
Roser Ros
Ksenia Parkhatskaya
Poca Broma Productions
#swingdancelikeyouneverseen #jazzdance #swingdancechoreography #baabaablacksheep #whyntonmarsalis #creating #bcnjazzdancers #kseniabacnjazzdancers #dancefilm #parquedelforum #barcelonaswing #barcelonajazz #jazzdancechoreography #danceteam #creativejazzdance #theatricaljazzdance #lincolnjazzcentre
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