Guys these are just biblical times in Crypto! We are just making the best gains in leverage and through trade it is just incredible! Guys if you wanna learn how to squeeze profits every single day. Reach out to me today guys you wont regret it! When you become a student you get invited to my private discord channel and you will feel the excitement in the group! When you reach Zion you have already done the hardest thing in trade which is reaching out for help! I wanna help as many as I can! Inbox me today at Bitcoindeathstar@gmail.com and get started on your path to financial freedom today!

ETH – 0x722e2066aF9134B9A0a147eafFCf544EE5e42b90

#CryptoMatrix #Electroneum #Bitcoin
BYBIT: xrR9J https://www.bybit.com/en-US/invite?ref=xrR9J
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTVnYI7qrJQaX4ZhR-LR5SQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kaldalis2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cryptomatrixx/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ogprog
Email: BitcoinDeathStar@Gmail.com

I teach how to trade and navigate the trading field in leverage trades. If interested in becoming a student see information below!

In my course you can expect to learn the following!
1. How to mark up your charts. Supports, Resistances.
2. See current trends.
3. Notify Patterns on the fly.
4. How to do leverage trades.
5. How to read and understand the candles.
6. Various Indicators.
7. A self sufficient trader.

If looking to purchase time $100 an hour and please screenshot your payment along with your email. As well as your Youtube tag so I can match you up and get back to you promptly.( 5 hours is now the minimum requirement to be a student.) (If taking what I am offering seriously I do insist on minimum of 5 hours.) I am accepting ETH and BTC now only. Please allow 3 days for me to respond. I usually respond faster! Be sure to send confirmation to BitcoinDeathStar@Gmail.com and in the subject matter put Red Pill. Also add your Youtube name as well as how many hours your paying for! So I can match you up and get back to you with your onboarding email! Here is an example of payment in an email subject.

Example: (Red Pill, James)$520 in ETH for 5 hours.)
Attached: Screenshot of payment.

Fees: Reason it says $520 is for fee’s and such. for instance if you send 500 receiver usually receives less. So please account for fee’s, fluctuation and time sending when you send payment. Thank you. 🙂

Here are the payment receive addresses:

ETH – 0x722e2066aF9134B9A0a147eafFCf544EE5e42b90

Your onboarding email will consist of Available times for your sessions as well as all the apps and programs you will need to replicate what I do! I will also address any questions you have! As a student you do have an app to be in touch with me outside of email. It is a process getting started. So please be patient in the starting phases. Once your in your in! You will see quickly I am on to some great strategies and am very enthusiastic about helping you achieve your financial freedom. Learning to read the charts properly and see whats really happening is the best gift to give someone. That is what I hope to give you as a student. Remember if you do not come from a rich family a rich family must come from you!

With the massive influx of students. I do ask you all to be patient I am one man show and will respond as quickly as I can!

Donations are never expected but always appreciated and help keep the channel rolling! If you are making a payment.

These are they same receive address’s just be sure to inbox me a screenshot of your email and payment! After payment is received you will receive an invite to my private discord channel were you will await your private sessions with Crypto Matrix!

ETH – 0x722e2066aF9134B9A0a147eafFCf544EE5e42b90

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