Lisk Grant Program and HackOnLisk

Lisk Grant Program and HackOnLisk

Marketing Lead, Monica Tartau held her much anticipated presentation, to announce two new community initiatives. The new Lisk Grant Program and our online hackathon, HackOnLisk.

The Lisk Grant Program was created with the purpose of attracting both entrepreneurs and developers into the Lisk ecosystem to build blockchain applications. In order to support the development of blockchain applications on the Lisk platform, we are offering a 60,000 CHF grant per application built with Lisk SDK.

HackOnLisk is the first online hackathon for the Lisk ecosystem. In preparation for our upcoming Mainnet launch of Lisk Core 3.0.0 we decided to organize an online hackathon for the Lisk community. A total of 33,000 USD worth of prizes, as well as other non-monetary prizes, will be awarded.

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