Lisk.js 2023: Aftermovie

Lisk.js 2023: Aftermovie

Lisk.js, our annual Lisk developer-focused event, is the culmination of all the development and research efforts of the Lisk project and ecosystem. This year’s edition was live-streamed from the stage in the Kühlhaus venue in Berlin and hosted fully online, so everyone could remain safe and healthy.

Our two-day event featured a packed agenda comprising the latest cutting-edge and in-depth presentations by our research, development, and marketing teams.

These talks included the latest updates, a deep-dive into the Lisk interoperability solution, our upcoming online hackathon, live demos, our newly improved Lisk Grant Program, and a range of presentations from our Lisk core community members who have built their own proof of concept blockchain applications using our Lisk SDK.

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