My $$$ is on Solid Deals…Dan Larimer….Steemit, Bitshares, EOS!

My $$$ is on Solid Deals…Dan Larimer….Steemit, Bitshares, EOS!

The Larimer family is brilliant! The code writings of Dan Larimer with regard to Steemit, Bitshares and EOS will be look at as prestigious as the work done by Steve Jobs at Apple someday in the future. The world is full of brilliant forward thinking minds and Dan & Stan Larimer have set the bar high for Cryptocurrency application in the future. Delegated proof of stake blockchains with voting power are the sensible ways of the future. Put your money on these guys, they innovate on an elite level and so far everything they touch has been successful. Look for EOS, STEEM and BTS to be MAJOR players in the future when it comes to the cryptocoin space.

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