NEW! Chris Larson (Ripple XRP) & Jeb McCaleb (Stellar XLM) on Competition

NEW! Chris Larson (Ripple XRP) & Jeb McCaleb (Stellar XLM) on Competition

Ripple Co-Founder Chris Larsen on the State of Crypto
Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen is pushing back on claims that his company is a centralized entity.

“There is a religious war going on between platforms,” Larsen told Cheddar from the Crypto Finance Conference.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchains were built on the premise that they can transact value securely, without the need for a central authority.

While Ripple touts the decentralized nature of its network, many crypto purists don’t buy it, since about 55 percent of the XRP supply sits in the centrally-controlled Ripple Foundation.

That level of centralization could be cause for concern if it turns out the XRP token is a security, depending on how regulations develop.

“That whole idea around centralization is bogus. If Ripple went away tomorrow, XRP continues as an open source permission-less ledger,” Larsen said.

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