Take this lightsaber color quiz to find out what color lightsaber you would have! And then stick around to listen to the lightsaber color explanation! In this video we are going to go over all the official canon lightsaber colors and their meanings!
Let me know in the comments what lightsaber color you received!
For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic! Each Jedi constructed and carried their very own lightsaber and at the center of each lightsaber lies the kyber crystal!
Each Kyber crystal is clear before it is selected by a force wielder and then changes colors. This quiz will help determine what color your crystal would turn. Each kyber crystal has a different meaning and aligns to the users forcer ability.
Here is the QUIZ:
1. You need to open a locked door. What do you do?
a. Knock. (3 point)
b. Try to pick the lock. (2 points)
c. Look for the key. (1 point)
d. Break it down! (4 points)
e. Walk away. (0 points)
2. You see a man attacking an innocent civilian. What do you do?
a. Keep on walking. Not my problem. (0 points)
b. Stop and watch what happens. (3 points)
c. Jump in and physically defend the innocent bystander! (4 points)
d. Circle back afterwards and see if anything else happened. (2 points)
e. Try to talk to the attacker to see why he is attacking. (1 point)
3. A hostile enemy surrenders to you. What do you do?
a. Execute them. Why allow an enemy to live? (4 points)
b. Imprison them! This way they can’t hurt me. (3 points)
c. Let them go as long as they promise not to hurt anyone else. (1 point)
d. Talk to them and see what information you can get from them. (2 points)
e. Let someone else handle it. I have better things to do. (0 points)
4. Someone falsely accuses you of wronging them. What do you do?
a. Ask them why they think I did that thing. Do they have any evidence? (1 points)
b. Call them out publicly and prove that they are wrong. (2 points)
c. Threaten to get physical if they don’t stop spreading lies. (4 points)
d. Ignore them completely. (0 points)
e. Find out something about them and use it against them. (3 points)
5. A superior tells you to do something that you know is wrong. What do you do?
a. Do what they tell me. They are in charge of me for a reason. (0 points)
b. Refuse and let another superior know about it. (3 points)
c. Refuse and use the incident as blackmail. (4 points)
d. Politely decline and instead ask if there is anything else that you can do. (1 point)
e. Leave. This obviously isn’t a good place to be. (2 points)
6. You are in a crowded area. What do you do?
a. Push your way to the front of the crowd. (4 points)
b. Keep your head down. Hopefully no one will talk to you. (0 points)
c. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. (2 points)
d. Watch out for someone trying to pickpocket. (3 points)
e. Find a place to sit and people watch. (1 point)
7. You bump into someone while walking. What do you do?
a. Apologize and keep walking. (3 points)
b. Say nothing and keep walking. (0 points)
c. Apologize and ask if they are alright. (1 point)
d. Tell them to watch where they are going! They should be more careful! (4 points)
e. Say you’re sorry and ask if there is anything you can do to right your mistake. (2 points)
8. A tool or device you need for an urgent project isn’t working properly. What do you do?
a. Hit it a few times and hope it works. (3 points)
b. Take it apart and see what the problem is. (2 points)
c. Buy a new one. (1 point)
d. Leave the tool or device there and come back to it later. (0 points)
e. Smash it on the ground! Why won’t this thing work? (4 points)
9. You unexpectedly lose a loved one. What do you do?
a. Mourn for them. But know that their journey is now over. (2 points)
b. Find out who or what took them from you and seek to avenge them! (4 points)
c. Mourn for them and ask why this happened. (3 points)
d. Seek to comfort others around who are also suffering from this loss. (1 point)
e. It is what it is. I don’t care. (0 points)
10. What is your opinion on the force?
a. There is no such thing as the force, bunch of hoki religions and non sense. (0 points)
b. There is no emotion, there is peace. (1 point)
c. There is no chaos, there is harmony. (2 points)
d. Through passion I gain strength! (3 points)
e. There is no death. There is only the force. And I am its master! (4 points)
This video took FOREVER to make so please leave a like and comment!
And remember to forever be a Star Wars fan!
#LightsaberColorQuiz #LightsaberColorMeaning #Lightsaber
Music Used:
Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300039
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
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