Ripple & XRP | A lesson to Learn From Amazon

Ripple & XRP | A lesson to Learn From Amazon

We know that Amazon is going to get involved and transition over to a Blockchain technology.

Will they develop their own from scratch, buy existing technologies like they have done over the years, or, will they build on an existing platform that checks most of the boxes.

Could they consider the Ripple Ecosystem. It makes so much sense that they would partner with a solution that actually offers a real working model.

The Ripple Ecosystem provides a complete Solution (Codius, Coil, Interledger, XRP). A complete solution that is – Browser Agnostic, Works with all programming languages, application development platform, digital asset for quick transactions, established messaging solutions- a foundation for the development of supply chain tracking, shipping tracking, fulfillment tracking, payments – receivable and payable across the Amazon Ecosystem with vendors, sellers, affiliates and their new “private” amazon delivery service. Amazon wants to get into Healthcare, Pharmacy. This could open the doors for Amazon to get into the financial space with banking, cross border payments and maybe even their own Amazon Cryptocurrency exchange

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Watch additional episodes of Introduction to Cryptocurrency:
Part 1: Getting to know Cryptocurrency –
Part 2: The Exchange
Part 3: The Exchange and your wallet
Part 4: How to secure your Crypto

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