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Dark pools—private trading platforms, typically geared toward big investors—have enjoyed growing market share this year. The share of U.S. stock trades executed on dark pools and other off-exchange trading venues rose to 38.6% in April, the highest level in more than a year, according to research firm Tabb Group, and up from 34.7% in December.
Unlawful trading in the financial institutes has been led by use of data breaching of internal control and policies. Thus there is a requirement of such a method which can detect trading rule violation. Same can be achieved with the help of trade surveillance method. Trade surveillance is a method to encompass process and technology that detects trading rule violation. Also, transparency, efficiency, and oversight in the present market trade can be achieved with the help of surveillance. Moreover, the new trade surveillance method includes pattern recognition and behavioral analysis, which can be used to identify potential violations prior to the occurrence. Therefore, new trade surveillance method has benefits over the traditional post-trade surveillance methods. The trade surveillance market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period due to these benefits of the trade surveillance. Also, the trade surveillance method focuses on robust reporting control, system enhancements, and extensive business rules engines. In addition, trade surveillance provides mandatory block leave for traders.
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