Rolling Shutter on the Canon EOS R ruined my project!
Find the Canon EOS R here http://geni.us/eosrbody
OR here if you prefer B&H https://bhpho.to/2NWsKrb
Let’s get real for a second, when was the last time that your project asked you to violently pan the camera from one side to another?
For me that would be a total of ZERO Times over a 16 year career at this point…so judge for yourself.
Where I Get My Music: http://geni.us/AxVpcA
My Gear
YouTube Camera: http://geni.us/RgYacH
Camera 2: http://geni.us/BFymj
Camera 3: http://geni.us/Jdhsjml
Camera 4: http://geni.us/Kr94m
Favorite Wide Prime Lens: http://geni.us/xFoem
Favorite Telephoto Prime Lens: http://geni.us/R2A4nX
Favorite Zoom Lens: http://geni.us/AyjUP
Favorite Mic: http://geni.us/94pY8L1
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Complete Gear List: http://geni.us/oeB40
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B&H Deal Zone: http://geni.us/NmuvJ
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#filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #contentcreator #blog #vlogger #carlosq00 #mediaonq #directorofphotography
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