Samira Efendi interview about Tix with English subtitles

Samira Efendi interview about Tix with English subtitles

This is a translation of the interview that you can find here:
Sorry if there are any mistakes here. English is not my native language but I did my best to translate the interview as accurately as possible, and to choose words that convey the meaning as best as possible.
All rights to the video belong to its authors. ✨
✨ I just did the translation and subtitling because so many people asked for it. ✨
I know that this video was already translated before me but there were several incorrectly translated moments, and I, again, tried to translate the text word for word.
You can ask questions if something is not clear.

My Instagram: @chisu.rin

“Now it can be love” and her embarrassed smile – just says EVERYTHING.

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