Setup Monero on Mining pool Hub with SMOS and Monero’s GUI Wallet

Setup Monero on Mining pool Hub with SMOS and Monero’s GUI Wallet

Had a request from a sub Exito x minuto this videos for you! below is the proper format to use for you SMOS miner once you have everything set up, please remember to change the login name and worker name and password or you will be giving me free monero!
the Miner I am using right now for Nvidia is xmr-stak-v2.4.1-cuda8
and its settings are
–currency monero7 -o -u onephatminer.onephatminer -p x
For AMD use these settins
Claymore-xmr-v11.3 cryptonight
-pow71 -xpool stratum+tcp:// -xwal onephatminer.onephatminer -xpsw x -mport

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