Start Mining Litecoin With Your Mac in Under 5 Minutes

Start Mining Litecoin With Your Mac in Under 5 Minutes

A short tutorial teaching users how to mine LITECOIN with their MAC computers in less than 5 minutes.

Step 1:
Register an account at
Create a new worker.

Step 2:
Download the CPUMiner program at
Unzip this in your Downloads folder

Step 3:
Open the ‘Terminal’ Application (Applications – Utilities – Terminal). Run the following commands:

cd Downloads
chmod 755 minerd
./minerd -o stratum+tcp:// -u USERNAME.WORKER_NAME -p WORKER_P­ASS

Where USERNAME, WORKER_NAME, and WORKER_PASS are replaced by your Poolerino username, worker name, and worker password, respectively.

Happy Mining!

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