Swift (horse &buggy) needs Ripple (the latest rocket ship)

Swift (horse &buggy) needs Ripple (the latest rocket ship)

This Youtube focuses on the technology of SWIFT old legacy code that is not used anymore and the problems they have replacing this code with new upto date programming code. SWIFT is an old system technology wise and will never be able to compete with RIPPLE’s technology which is the “Ultimate most advanced technology yet” for payments. SWIFT’s system relies on RIPPLE”S payment system as one of their drivers(bus) – SWIFT PAY RIPPLE FOR THEIR TECHNOLOGY AND WOULD BE PAYING MILLIONS. RIPPLE do not need SWIFT. SWIFT need RIPPLE. Ripple will not merge with SWIFT. IT IS LIKE A ROCKET SHIP (RIPPLE) merging with a HORSE & BUGGY ( SWIFT) …….A LONG VIDEO — I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER so had to learn a little bit of programmer speak to explain this properly. BOTTOM LINE SWIFT is DEAD IN THE WATER – just a matter of time before Ripple takes over their client base

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